Head 頭atama Face 顔kao Nose 鼻hana Mouth 口kuchi Eye 眼me Eyes 両眼ryōgan Pupil 瞳hitomi Eyebrow 眉mayu Eyelash まつげmatsuge Eyelid まぶたmabuta Tongue 舌shita Tooth 歯ha Lips 唇kuchibiru Cheekbones 頬骨hōbone Gum 歯茎haguki Palate 口蓋kōgai Nostrils 鼻孔bikō Chin あご(頤)ago Jaw 顎ago Cheek 頬hō Forehead 額hitai Temple こめかみkomekami Ear 耳mimi Back of the head 後頭部kōtōbu Neck 首kubi Throat 喉nodo Hair 髪の毛kaminoke Hairstyle 髪形kamigata Haircut 髪型kamigata Wig かつらkatsura Mustache 口ひげkuchihige Beard あごひげagohige To have (a beard, etc.)生やしているhayashi te iru Braid 三つ編みmitsu ami Sideburns もみあげmomiage Red-haired (adj) 赤毛のakage no Gray (hair) 白髪のhakuhatsu no Bald (adj) はげ頭のhageatama no Bald patch はげた部分hage ta bubun Ponytail ポニーテールponītēru Bangs 前髪maegami Hand 手te Arm 腕ude Finger 指yubi Toe つま先tsumasaki Thumb 親指oyayubi Little finger 小指koyubi Nail 爪tsume Fist 拳kobushi Palm 手のひらtenohira Wrist 手首tekubi Forearm 前腕zen wan Elbow 肘hiji Shoulder 肩kata Leg 足(脚)ashi Foot 足ashi Knee 膝hiza Calf (part of leg) ふくらはぎfuku ra hagi Hip 腰koshi Heel かか...
Record what I have learned from books, on the net as well as Ani-Manga.