Morning 朝asa
In the morning 朝にasa ni
Noon, midday 正午shōgo
In the afternoon 午後にgogo ni
Evening 夕方yūgata
In the evening 夕方にyūgata ni
Night 夜yoru
At night 夜にyoru ni
Midnight 真夜中mayonaka
Second 秒byō
Minute 分fun, pun
Hour 時間jikan
Half an hour 30分san jū fun
Guarter of an hour 15分jū go fun
Fifteen minutes 15分jū go fun
24 hours 一昼夜icchūya
Sunrise 日の出hinode
Dawn 夜明けyoake
Early morning 早朝sōchō
Sunset 夕日yūhi
Early in the morning 早朝にsōchō ni
This morning 今朝kesa
Tomorrow morning 明日の朝ashita no asa
This afternoon 今日の午後kyō no gogo
In the afternoon 午後gogo
Tomorrow afternoon 明日の午後ashita no gogo
Tonight (this evening) 今夜konya
Tomorrow night 明日の夜ashita no yoru
At 3 o'clock sharp 3時ちょうどにsanji chōdo ni
About 4 o'clock 4時頃yoji goro
By 12 o'clock 12時までにjūniji made ni
In 20 minutes 20分後nijuppungo
In an hour 一時間後ichi jikan go
On time (adv) 予定通りにyotei dōri ni
A quarter of … …時15分… ji jyūgo fun
Within an hour 1時間でichi jikan de
Every 15 minutes 15分ごとにjyūgo fun goto ni
Round the clock 昼も夜もhiru mo yoru mo