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Head 頭atama
Face 顔kao
Nose 鼻hana
Mouth 口kuchi
Eye 眼me
Eyes 両眼ryōgan
Pupil 瞳hitomi
Eyebrow 眉mayu
Eyelash まつげmatsuge
Eyelid まぶたmabuta
Tongue 舌shita
Tooth 歯ha
Lips 唇kuchibiru
Cheekbones 頬骨hōbone
Gum 歯茎haguki
Palate 口蓋kōgai
Nostrils 鼻孔bikō
Chin あご(頤)ago
Jaw 顎ago
Cheek 頬hō
Forehead 額hitai
Temple こめかみkomekami
Ear 耳mimi
Back of the head 後頭部kōtōbu
Neck 首kubi
Throat 喉nodo
Hair 髪の毛kaminoke
Hairstyle 髪形kamigata
Haircut 髪型kamigata
Wig かつらkatsura
Mustache 口ひげkuchihige
Beard あごひげagohige
To have (a beard, etc.)生やしているhayashi te iru
Braid 三つ編みmitsu ami
Sideburns もみあげmomiage
Red-haired (adj) 赤毛のakage no
Gray (hair) 白髪のhakuhatsu no
Bald (adj) はげ頭のhageatama no
Bald patch はげた部分hage ta bubun
Ponytail ポニーテールponītēru
Bangs 前髪maegami
Hand 手te
Arm 腕ude
Finger 指yubi
Toe つま先tsumasaki
Thumb 親指oyayubi
Little finger 小指koyubi
Nail 爪tsume
Fist 拳kobushi
Palm 手のひらtenohira
Wrist 手首tekubi
Forearm 前腕zen wan
Elbow 肘hiji
Shoulder 肩kata
Leg 足(脚)ashi
Foot 足ashi
Knee 膝hiza
Calf (part of leg) ふくらはぎfuku ra hagi
Hip 腰koshi
Heel かかと(踵)kakato
Body 身体shintai
Stomach 腹hara
Chest 胸mune
Breast 乳房chibusa
Flank 脇腹wakibara
Back 背中senaka
Lower back 腰背部yōwa ibu
Waist 腰koshi
Navel へそ(臍) heso
Buttocks 臀部denbu
Bottom 尻shiri
Beauty mark 美人ぼくろbijinbokuro
Birthmark 母斑bohan
Tattoo タトゥーtatū
Scar 傷跡kizuato

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